Lead A Life That Truly SOARS!

The Woods Consulting Firm has found that all successful men and women use four linked-domains to unlock their potential and the potential within their organizations. From success on the athletic field to success in the organizational world, these four linked-domains are the same:

Ethos (ME) your Character– understanding and applying attitude, values and integrity while demonstrating to others the four components of trust!

Pathos (WE) your Connections – understanding and applying influence, communicating expectations and relationship strategies. When leaders connect in relationship with others they discover who they really are.

Logos (US) your Competence– This is the leader’s responsibility to know what to do, and possess the skills and ability to do it! The leader, in concert with their skilled team members, must possess the required core competencies for producing organizational results.

Sophos (THEM) your Commitment to Change and Growth– This higher order thinking domain requires: analyzing, evaluating, and creating change. It is moving your comfort zone, raising your expectations and facing the fear of failure to lead through change.

The genesis of this model is ancient Greece when Aristotle (384-322 BC) learned it from Plato (427-347 BC) and taught it to Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)

Client Needs

1. Strong ROI from the organization’s most valuable asset -People! 
2. Leaders, Managers and Supervisors skilled in the Art of Emotional Intelligence
3. Understanding and evaluating the impact of Positive and Negative Attitudes
4. Trust building within the organization
5. Engaged employees bringing their passion to work
6. Employees who are self-motivated, contributing team players
7. Employees who choose to be self-disciplined workers
8. Leaders who understand Responsibility, Authority, and Accountability
9. Teamwork that really works
10. Reduced turnover
11. A clear connection between collective efforts and the purpose of the organization 
12. Employees who understand the WHY!
13. Workers who can embrace change and thrive
14. Meetings that are efficient and effective
15. Creation and sustainment of a selfless, enjoyable, effective work environment
16. Making work fun
17. Employees that have a sense of purpose and fulfillment
18. Workers who can handle failure through learning and growth
19. Mentoring, legacy, and knowledge management
20. Organizational learning

Client Benefits

1. Creating and maintaining an organizational culture of positive can-do attitudes
2. Engaged employees
3. Productive enjoyable work environment
4. Greatly increased Emotional Intelligence
5. Measurable results, bottom-line ROI
6. Client centric content purposely designed to catalyze results
7. In-depth research, online surveys, questionnaires and follow-up
8. Pre and Post course in-depth reading assignments to support learning transfer
9. Detailed After Action Report (AAR) created after every program
10. Individual Certificate of Completion after every course for tracking CLP’s
11. Individual action plan created following every program
12. EPLS linked-domain toolkit taxonomy woven throughout every program
13. Leaders learn to Lead and Teamwork works
14. Everyone has more fun at work
15. People are self-motivated, contributing team players
16. Meetings are efficient and effective
17. Creation and sustainment of a selfless, enjoyable, effective work environment
17. Employees that have a sense of purpose and fulfillment
18. Workers who can handle failure through learning and growth
19. Mentoring, legacy, and knowledge management
20. Organizational learning is institutionalized

Excellence is not a gift, but a skill that takes practice. We do not act ‘rightly’ because we are ‘excellent’, in fact we achieve ‘excellence’ by acting ‘rightly.’

- Plato -